What happened to the people who run a lot, in the end?

Do you like running? The sport of running is all too familiar to us. So, adhere to the running exercise will have what benefits? The following let people tell you: often running people, what happened in the end?


1, often running people, the body is slim down

Running exercise can improve the body's activity metabolism, jogging for an hour can consume 500-600 calories, and a pound of fat is 3900 calories, you can consume a pound of fat in about 8 hours of running. Therefore, long-term adherence to running people, the body will slowly slim down, away from the obesity of the trouble.


2, people who often run, lung capacity is improved

Running exercise can improve the body's oxygen uptake, exercise cardiorespiratory function, so that your body functions more efficiently, effectively slowing down the aging rate, so that you maintain a vigorous body function, have a youthful vitality, athletic ability will also slowly improve.

When you first start running, you may run less than 3 km out of breath to run, adhere to the running for more than 2 months, you will find that running from 3 km progress to 5 km, 6 km, which is the performance of running physical endurance to improve.


3, often run people, anti-stress to improve

People who adhere to running exercise, the mind will also be better than the average person, because the process of running the body will secrete dopamine, so that you feel happy and happy, negative emotions will also be released in the process of running in time to avoid the impact of bad emotions, effectively enhance their own anti-stress ability, to maintain an optimistic and positive mindset.

4, people who often run, sleep quality becomes better

People who adhere to the running exercise, the body is in a slightly tired state, the night will be better sleep, effectively improve sleep problems and sleep disorders. People who usually have difficulty sleeping can run for half an hour at night after meals, and you will find that your sleep quality has improved after a period of time.


5, often running people, bowel movements smoothly

Running exercise can promote intestinal peristalsis, help strengthen the gastrointestinal function, improve constipation, so that you have a smoother bowel movement, the body burden will also be reduced.

6, people who often run, more and more self-discipline

People who adhere to running exercise self-discipline will be higher than ordinary people, because most people are unable to adhere to running exercise, only a few people with higher self-discipline and better patience can adhere to, and such people are rare, is one in a million.


7, people who often run, the skin is getting better and better

People who adhere to running exercise cell regeneration ability will be improved, pore waste will be discharged in time, the skin will slowly become better and tighter, look more frozen than their peers, and effectively resist the signs of age, this is the charm of running.

To sum up: there are many, many more benefits of running, such as: running exercise can prevent Alzheimer's disease, improve bone density, prolong life, etc. These are the benefits brought by running.

And to reap these benefits, we must maintain enough perseverance and insist on running more than 3 times a week, so that you can feel the changes in yourself.