How To Schedule Your Gym Time Wisely?

the highest level of fitness is knowing how to rest! It's a simple statement, but it doesn't make sense, rest is really important! Will more frequent training per week give better results? Some people can go to the gym five or six days a week, while others can't even guarantee two or three days a week. Is it possible to achieve the same results?

Because i've been working out for ten years and if you're like me, you might have no problem going to the gym four times a week. However, even i have to admit that i sometimes miss a day. Life being what it is, the busier i have to be for work, the less time i have to devote to strength training and sometimes i get physically tired and have to rest.

there is a test, and a result that has been tested by many organisations and is reliable. This study was used to answer the age-old question, "How many times a week should you work out?"
What does the study reveal?
The study shows that in some cases the number of times you work out per week will have an impact, while in other cases it will not.
Among older people, there was not much difference in strength if they trained once or twice a week, but when training time was increased to three times a week, strength increased significantly

what does this study mean?
This study points to the 'sweet spot' of 2 or 3 strength training sessions per week.
It is not unreasonable to hear fitness trainers recommending a minimum of 2-3 reps per set and it is usually recommended that most people do strength training about 3 days a week to ensure a minimum effective training volume, especially if there is no other exercise during the week. However, it is important to note that you do not need to schedule all your training on the weekend, as this will not be worth the effort and it is best to schedule them separately during the week.
You may also consider adding a fourth day if you have a bespoke fitness plan and have strength training days or specific training goals. In this case, make sure you train as often as you can and take about a week off each month.

3 rules for working out 2-3 times a week as recommended by fitness trainers
there is nothing wrong with training only 2 or 3 times a week, and most studies show that this is the optimal amount for most average adults. As mentioned earlier, you should try to work out 3 times a week, but if you can only work out twice, you will still get most of your training results, which is better than not training at all.

1. Full body training
with more stamina using split training, you will be able to train harder in each workout as most people's bodies tend to recover faster from full body workouts.
2. Train every movement in every workout
think of training in terms of movement rather than muscle. You need horizontal plane movements (e.g. Bench press) and sagittal plane (pull-ups or shoulder presses) push-pull movements. For the legs, make sure you have deep squats, hard pulls, and single leg movements.
You can work your core every day, just choose different movements (planks, lateral planks, push-ups, etc.)
3. Change your workout every 3-4 weeks
we all know that muscles are adaptable, they are particularly sore when you start training, but after a few times, the training will adapt. Over time, your body will adapt to certain training processes or movements, so make sure to do different variations of movements, change the number of reps and sets, reduce your rest periods or training weights of etc. To make your workouts progressively more difficult.
Make an effort to keep pushing your body and your limits to give your muscles a fresh stimulus.

5 rules for working out 4 times a week
weekly fitness routine
if you have a bespoke fitness schedule, are training for a sport or are trying to make some major changes to your fitness, then a 4 times a week workout may be a better option. Again, you will get amazing results from the workout plan as a result.
Note: Follow the training schedule to completion, if there is no training plan then it's not too late to start customising it (action is more practical than heart).

1. Total body training or body division training
when you plan to train 4 days a week you can still train the whole body every day, but if you are training to improve your strength it is recommended that you separate the upper and lower body (aka split training for the upper and lower body). This means you will be doing upper/lower/upper/lower training during the week.

2. Try not to train more than two days in a row
we all know how important it is to rest, even if we work long hours and want to take a break, not to mention the high intensity of training. It is okay to train for two days in a row, but it is not recommended to train for more than two days. Doing too much weightlifting in a row can affect your performance and increase the risk of injury.
Rest is an important part of improving strength, fitness and conditioning. During rest periods, your fitness is rebuilt and muscle tissue is repaired, so it is a good idea to take a few days off (especially for beginners, more rest) to ensure your body recovers properly. This will allow you to train with heavy weights week after week.

3. Train each movement each week
it is recommended that you spend time each day focusing on a specific movement pattern and choose 2-3 movements to train for that movement.
Day 1: Horizontal push/pull (e.g. Bench press and dumbbell row)
day 2: Rest
day 3: Deep squats and arrow squats
day 4: Rest
day 5: Vertical push/pull (e.g. Pull-ups and one-arm dumbbell shoulder press)
day 6: Hard pulls and glute bridges
day 7: Rest

4. Reduce training weights every other month
reducing the training weight doesn't mean not working out at all, just making it a little lighter. You can reduce the number of moves you do, the weight, the volume, or even skip some workouts during the week to allow your body to recover and repair damaged tissues more fully. Believe it or not, this is the advice of an old fitness driver that actually helps you progress.

5. Take notes
taking notes is a habit that i imagine many fitness trainers have, but for beginners, it's hard to know how to start. The optimal number of days per week to work out ultimately depends on your goals and schedule, but planning your training flow in advance will give you the best results.
How do i take good notes each time? Write down the movements, sets, reps, weights, rest periods, and how you feel about each workout. If you have a training partner, you can also ask him to help you take videos, you can compare the videos of your fitness seniors, or ask experienced fitness professionals, and you'll learn some tricks over time!

these are just personal experiences, you should be doing more to stay active, like scheduling a day (weekend) to play ball with friends, cycle, go shopping etc. Than just working out! Three days of strength training is great, but make sure you take the first step and enjoy life and use that hard-earned muscle! Take your time and fall in love with fitness training!