She Started Practicing Yoga Only At The Age Of 38, And After 1 Year The Changes Were Amazing

Can you imagine this is the same person?

Can you guess that she only started yoga from the age of 38?

Can you believe it only took her 1 year

To make so much progress?

She is today's protagonist - ebru

A yoga teacher from the netherlands

Only started practicing yoga at the age of 38

It took only one year

She has made rapid progress

1 year ago, forearm inversions were done with stretching straps

And no way to get off the wall

One year later, you can already do a beautiful variation

At the beginning of 2020, ebru had an accidental miscarriage

She lost her unborn child

The shock was so great that she could not get over her grief for a long time

Later on, under the introduction of a friend

Ebru was introduced to yoga by a friend

Although the practice of yoga was difficult at first

But ebru felt that her life had a direction and motivation

The daily practice seemed to give her

A light into her dull life

Yoga became a beautiful thing in her life

Little by little, she kept on practicing.

Ebru kept breaking through

This also gave her the courage to overcome the difficulties and get out of the shadow

Ebru proved with her own efforts

Never underestimate the ability of a woman

Never underestimate the power of a woman with a yoga mat!

Instead of wondering and doubting

Why not step on the mat and start practicing now?