Bodybuilding Legend - Kai Greene

If you look at the world of bodybuilding, there are a lot of muscle men out there, each with their own signature, each with their own magic. However, in this crowd, there is a man who is not tall, a strong muscle comparable to ronnie, his trademark muscle dance performance makes every scene will be out of control. Masks, leather cloaks, huge muscles with his unique long dreadlocks, these are his hallmarks. His appearance in the world of bodybuilding has left a strong mark. Yes, he is kai greene. Green.

Born in brooklyn, new york on july 12, 1975, kai greene has yet to top the olympiad stage, but his charismatic personality defies any olympiad champion. He is known as a muscle artist, he can sing, dance and paint, through the current bodybuilding industry, can not find a second like him.

Keglin lived in a local slum, and the early death of his parents left him living on the streets. Once he could not even afford to eat eggs in order to prepare for the competition and train, and every time he went to the supermarket, when he saw his favorite broccoli and asparagus at such high prices, he had to choose inexpensive lentils, and even meat was the cheapest choice of fish steak. He lived in a room shared by more than ten people every day, and had to take a one-hour bus ride to the gym every time he trained, but he was always the first to go and the last to leave.

Perhaps it was the early death of his parents when he was a child, living in the slums, he was eager to be strong, eager for strength, and he thought this would protect him and feel safe. So he chose the path of fitness, looking around for teachers, and finally under the tutelage of charles glass, and from then on, he was unstoppable...

From the previous one practice per day to two practices per day, the daily cardio training in the morning after waking up on an empty stomach, another cardio is scheduled after the strength training, so the training pace is much faster than his previous practice. He used to train for about 90-120 minutes, but under the guidance of charles glass, he trained for no more than 45 minutes per part, and in this way, keglin's physique took a quantum leap.

He competed again and again, winning awards and various championship titles. But what he wanted most was to stand on the olympiad stage, but he still couldn't break the "Sith curse" And was called "The second oldest of the millennium" In the bodybuilding world. In 2014, he finished second in the highly controversial olympiad stage, full of helplessness and sadness, the stage this indestructible man shed tears of sadness, too many people feel sorry for him, until 2016, kai greene directly announced to the public, quit the olympiad stage.

Although he did not have access to the olympiad stage, but this does not mean that he does not have the strength. On the contrary, he was popular off the stage, with a signature muscle encounter that drew screams from the field wherever he went, and many times the scene was out of control. In addition to training, keglin's favorite thing is to paint, who would have thought that the seemingly simple-minded, limb-developed muscle man actually painted a good hand.

Now keglin is 43 years old, he still maintains a high level of training. In addition to his normal training, he also travels around the world giving speeches and sharing his fitness stories with people. His first trip to china was to attend training camp events in beijing and shanghai, and another one was a business show in xi'an. It is no exaggeration to say that every muscle on his body has some commercial value. Many people pay a lot of money to come to witness this king-like style, and even dinner with him have been marked up, all of this is the result of his years of sweat accumulation!

He came from a humble background, his parents died early, and when he was poor, he couldn't even afford to eat eggs, but he went all the way through with strong willpower and a never-give-up mentality, and finally stood out from the crowd.

We can't be keglin, but we can learn from him, learn from his spirit, his courage, let him become the benchmark of our life journey, to cheer ourselves up and go forward...