Fitness Blogger With Millions Of Fans ,Has The Best Body Proportions

When it comes to the school bully, we probably have such an image in front of us: Putting on thick glasses, wearing a stereotypical school uniform, holding a lot of books in your hands, or sitting at a desk and working out test questions, compared to their own body is more focused on the academic performance ranking. However, today we are going to the young lady, breaking the traditional image of the school bully, talking about the body is quite first-class, come to see how she has millions of fans, fitness as their career it ~

Pamela reif is a netizen fitness blogger from germany, born in 97 years, from the beginning, she did not intend to enter the fitness business.

Pamela reif was 15 years old at the time, and most young girls like to play social networks, like to share food and beauty on ins, but also like to dance and other sports. It was only once she came into contact with fitness equipment that she became interested in fitness and has been ever since.

Although pamela reif fell in love with fitness at the age of 15, it did not affect her academic performance in any way. On the contrary, at the age of 17, pamela reif received a perfect score of 1.0 on the Abitur, making her a proper student.

In order to make her fitness movements more standard and perfect, pamela reif also hired a professional coach to guide her, after eight years of persistence and training, pamela reif's body is already perfect and looks very healthy.

Pamela reif practice movements belong to too fat burning, too tiring category, but she does it effortlessly, seems to be able to complete easily, enough to see her fitness skills are very good.

In addition to insisting on fitness, pamela reif also likes to share some of her fitness tips on her ins platform with everyone, which she thinks is a very meaningful thing, and therefore has gained a lot of fans' support and love. At present, her ins platform fans have reached as high as 4.5 million, every time she receives warm messages from fans, it is very happy.

Pamela reif is also a delicate "Snacker" In her life, she often likes to plate the food carefully, not only the color is attractive, eat it will also be happy mood, promote absorption.

The most popular video of pamela reif is "10 minutes 6 abs training", interested small sisters can search watch it!

Let's get started with today's movement training.

Action 1.

Body lying flat on the yoga mat, hands bent at the elbows, palms near the sides of the ears.

Bend the legs at the knees, alternating one foot forward and one foot backward.

Raise the head slightly upwards and feel the abdominal muscles stretch.

Repeat each set of movements 10-15 times for 3-5 sets.

Action 2.

Lie flat on the yoga mat with hands on each side of the body.

Raise the head slightly upwards.

Bringing the legs together with the knees slightly bent while lifting upwards.

Repeat each set of movements 10-15 times for 3-5 sets.

Action 3.

Body in a prone position with hands supporting the ground.

Keep the body parallel to the ground, with both feet propped up on the toes.

Alternating legs forward, feeling the abdominal force.

Repeat each set 10-15 times for 3-5 sets.

Action 4.

Body in a prone position with elbows supporting the ground.

Legs straight with the toes of both feet supporting the floor.

Hips slightly elevated, body as parallel to the floor as possible.

Maintain 30 seconds to 1 minute, progressively according to your physical state.

Action 5.

Variations on the arm movements of movement 4 with both hands.

One hand elbow propped up on the ground and one hand changed to palm propped up on the ground, alternating.

Repeat each set of movements 5-10 times, perform 5 sets.

Movement 6.

Lateral body position with unilateral elbow support and unilateral foot support.

Lifting and lowering of the body with the support of the unilateral hand and foot.

Repeat each set of movements 10 times for 5 sets.

The six movements introduced for you today are mainly effective exercises for the abdominal muscles, it is recommended that you practice appropriately according to their actual situation, especially the flat support, must be gradual, i believe that we will adhere to the fitness card, practice a beautiful waistline!