Don't Go Down The Wrong Path Again! 3 Must-Have Super Tips To Widen Your Back Fast!

Not many guys train hard, but take care of all their back muscles. Either you end your back training in a hurry or you don't care if your back is well developed or not.
If neither of the above is the case, there are certainly few effective ways to build back girth and strength, and if your patience is limited, then let's skip the tips this time and talk about a quick training method that has been proven to work time and time again.

Back extension
Intensive superset back training, this time with all giant sets, triple sets, and supersets!
Good back workouts are common, but back workouts with phenomenal results are rare. The super intense giant set back workout can leave one breathless and with sore muscles for days on end.

The entire workout starts with a giant set, moves on to a triple set and finishes with a super set. Each devil's training set has 4 circuit workouts. There is no rest between the giant set, the triple set and the superset, with only 2 minutes rest between each round. This back training workout has 5 movements for the first giant set, 5 consecutive back movements.
Quick tips for maximising the effect of back training (especially supersets)
a great thing to use in this set - booster bands. They are cheap and effective, and they are used by The best in almost every workout.

High pull downs
Booster bands reduce the force needed to hold the weight and by doing so, you also improve two things: 1. Lifting bigger weights during back training and 2. Concentrating more on the contraction of the back muscles while performing the movement, thus maximising muscle growth.
Many of you will say that by doing this, you will affect the arm circumference and grip strength of the smaller arms or not reach your full potential. The approach we can take is to spend additional time training the smaller arms. Pair this with three other different movements, plus isolation movements for the calves or obliques. This way you won't have to worry about the training effect being diminished.

Behind-the-neck high pull-down
Back training giant set
5 back training movements with no rest between sets and 2 minutes rest between movements for a total of 4 rounds.
Of all these back movements, posture is the most important. Complete the number of reps, to complete this workout correctly, the posture of the movements should be perfect. There may be some uncontrollable wobbling when you start to feel fatigued and exhausted, try to keep at least 80% of the reps as standard.

Prone barbell row
exercise number of sets number of reps
overhead barbell row 4 20
high pull-down 4 15
rope row 4 15
behind the neck high pull down 4 15
straight arm pull down 4 15
no rest between movements, do 4 rounds with 2 minutes rest between each round

straight arm press
back training triple set
this is a set of three movements in a row. The first is a single arm high pull down. Watch for contractions as you do this movement. Do a slight side curl as you pull your arm down, if done correctly you will feel a stronger contraction in the lower latissimus dorsi, but don't use this technique to lend strength, instead focus on the contraction of the back muscles.
To do the opposite grip high pull down, use both handles to do the pull down and separate the handles as you pull down to the chest. This will add extra tension to the rhomboids in the back.

single arm high pull down
exercise number of sets number of reps
single arm high pull down 4 15
opposite grip high pull down 4 15
wide grip + external rotation rope row 4 15
no rest between movements, 2 minutes rest between each round

opposite grip high pull down
back training supersets
in the final superset there are four sets in total. The first two sets use to the upper incline bench and the workout starts with the dumbbell row, then immediately switches to the reverse flyes. For the reverse flyes, you need to pull up down and back to activate the latissimus dorsi, rather than elbows facing outwards and pulling vertically to activate the posterior deltoid bundle.
Once you have completed 2 supersets, start doing the standing alternating dumbbell row and reverse flyes. You will do one dumbbell row and one standing reverse flyes, alternating for 30 reps to complete both sets.

upper incline plank dumbbell row
exercises sets reps
super set 1
1a. Overhead incline plank dumbbell row 2 15
1b. Overhead incline plank reverse flyes 2 15
no rest between reps, 2 minutes rest between rounds
superset 2
2a. Standing alternating dumbbell row 2 15
2b. Standing dumbbell reverse fly 2 15
no rest between movements, 2 minutes rest between rounds

standing alternating dumbbell row
back training tips
as always, it is important to re-emphasise the importance of movement standards. By focusing on the form of the movement and reducing the number of muscle groups used in the 'borrowing', you will be more effective in reaching the target muscle groups. When doing this back exercise, focus on chanting the movement in unison and really try to feel the contraction of the latissimus dorsi. If you are focused enough, you can consciously reduce the tension on other muscle groups.
Again, booster bands allow the back workout to be under tension for the maximum amount of time, with more weight and more focus on the contractions of the latissimus dorsi and other back muscles.

back extension
three plans, there's always one you can use, we'll talk about training techniques another time, but the results will show little by little as you train repeatedly, use this workout to widen and thicken your back!