Yoga Fish Pose To Stretch Your Back And Expand Your Chest!

Matsyasana, also known as fish pose, improves flexibility and muscle strength. If you want to stretch your back, expand your chest and increase flexibility, then fish pose is a great choice! Improves thyroid function, digestion, breathing problems, improves posture and relieves stress...

Pectoral Muscle Gain Program Abuse Your Pectoral Muscles

Chest muscle is a popular muscle in our upper body muscle exercise, many people like to exercise their pectoral muscles through the exercise to train a particularly large. Pectoral muscle gain is not particularly difficult, but requires long-term persistence and planning, so today we will introduce a pectoral muscle gain plan, we go together to see it!

What Are The Fitness Methods Of The Tension Band?

Tension band, also known as a tension band, it has a good rebound force, which is conducive to bring, you can use a different friction resistance for the corresponding posture. Often used in warm-up exercises and lashin relaxation training, can also be used as a repair exercise.v

An Advanced Guide To Perfecting Your Yoga Chakras!

One of the most popular yoga asanas and an advanced yoga asana that beginners can prepare and practice with the bridge pose. The sanskrit name for wheel pose is urdhva dhanurasana, "Urdhva" Means "Up" And "Dhanu" Means "Urdhva" Means "Upward" And "Dhanu" Means "Bow", so the literal meaning of urdhva dhanurasana is "Upward bow".
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